
Introducing Eva Zohra, a talented graphic designer and license enthusiast at Erve Europe. Eva brings her passion for design, creativity, fashion, and beloved licenses all together in her role at Erve.

Originally from the Netherlands, Eva moved to Belgium six years ago to start her two-year master's degree in Communication and Multimedia design. During her time in the Netherlands, she worked as a graphic designer and art academy teacher while finishing her studies at the Royal Academy of Arts.

Eva joined Erve in October 2020, in the midst of the pandemic. Despite the challenges, Eva finds the days at Erve to be anything but mundane. "No day is ever the same," she says. Eva starts her day by managing emails and organizing any new design briefings that come in. Then she works on finishing up the briefings or starts on the latest ones. As a design coordinator for her main customers, she keeps an eye on her responsibilities.

When working from home, Eva listens to a podcast or gaming/cinematic music to get into her most creative mindset. When working in the office, she enjoys the company and creativity of her design colleagues. Eva finishes her day by sending out all her designs and doing a final clean up of emails, so she can start fresh again the next morning.

One of Eva's favorite aspects of her job is that she gets to combine her passions, including her love for licenses. Growing up, Eva was surrounded by Harry Potter, Nintendo, Lord of the Rings, and many other fantastical worlds.

"I couldn’t believe a job where I could combine my main passions would exist," she shares.

Eva brings specific expertise to the design team, including her broad knowledge of licenses like Pokémon, as well as trending girl licenses like Barbie, Peppa Pig, and Squishmallows. Her role as an art academy teacher gave her a wealth of knowledge in the Adobe suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, and After Effects. Eva specializes in printed media and 2D drawing/animation.

When it comes to her favorite Duda, Eva chooses the Ownership Duda. "I feel very connected with my job, and the ownership Duda represents taking your accountability because you like what you do. It’s a Duda about being passionate, and that’s definitely how I identify!" she says.

Looking towards the future of design, Eva is excited about the developments in 3D and AI visualization, recognizing their potential to improve skills and make workflows more effective. However, she believes that the "eye" that designers have can never be digitalized, and looks forward to working more multi-medial and having her own specializations within the field.

Overall, Eva's expertise, creativity, and enthusiasm for design make her an invaluable asset to Erve Europe's design team.

"This job definitely brings out the best in me," she concludes.

About ERVE:

Erve is a European leader in character licences and brands. We produce branded fashion and apparel featuring TV, film, cartoon and video game heroes. As part of Erve Group, we have eight offices across three continents and we control the supply chain between raw materials and stores. Starting with our in-house design team and portfolio of licences – we source, produce, pack and transport collections at the request of major fashion retailers. With 38 years in the industry, our dynamic team values growth, transparency and customer focus. Our exceptional quality and sustainable practices have earned us a reputation for excellence.

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