
Bluey licensed apparel & accessories

Bluey is an Australian preschool animated TV show that follows the adventures of the lovable and excitable six-year-old puppy Bluey, who lives with her Mum, Dad and four-year-old little sister Bingo.

About the Bluey license

Bluey is about the joyful simplicity that can be found in modern family life, showcasing how children learn and grow through play. With the BBC managing the property outside of Australia, the show has quickly become one of the most popular preschool shows. 

The award-winning show emphasises imaginative play, emotional intelligence, and family values. Each episode teaches important life lessons, such as problem-solving, cooperation, resilience and empathy, through relatable and humorous scenarios. The multi-layered humour makes it a show that is also loved by adults. 

Bluey is not only a viewing hit on TV, the accessibility of selected episodes and unique digital content on YouTube adds to its popularity. And with the live show coming to the UK and other European countries in 2023 and 2024, fans will be able to enjoy their heroes in the theatre!

Currently in its third season, Bluey will continue to capture the hearts of preschoolers (and their families) around the world.

It's Bluey!

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Erve (Van der Erve nv)

Weiveldlaan 41 bus 21
1930 Zaventem, Belgium

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Tel +32 (0)2 7255555